a scroll 意味
a boy with a scroll could deliver this message . このメッセージなら子供でも送れます it's a scroll , i guess . it has layers written on on top of each other . 紙が折り重なってる巻物かな a scroll we can't decipher . a thoughtunifier that doesn't work , and a box of rocks from a mine . 物理学の公式や 赤い鉱石の事も in the old days he was depicted as a figure writing something on a scroll with a brush . 持物は、古くは筆を持ち巻物に何かを書き留めている姿で表現された。 in 1654 , he began his business as a scroll mounter , and the store name was ' omiya kichibe .' 承応3年に表具屋業を開業、屋号「近江屋吉兵衛」を名乗る。 a manuscript page from a scroll or book from which the text has been scraped off , which means it can be used again . 巻き物などの羊皮紙さ 文字を消して 何度も使える however , he takes out a scroll he has with him , and starts to read it out loud pretending to be a kanjincho . しかし持っていた巻物を出し勧進帳と称して高らかに読みはじめる。 sezaemon finally gets angry , and beats daigakunosuke with a family heirloom , a scroll of the sugawara family . 流石に怒った瀬左衛門は家宝の菅家の一軸で大学之助を打ちすえる。 sezaemon finally gets angry , and beats daigakunosuke with a family heirloom , a scroll of the sugawara family . 流石に怒った瀬左衛門は家宝の菅家の一軸で大学之助を打ちすえる。 chapter 10 : recommendation to transcribe the text of chakyo on a scroll or the like for hanging on a wall 十之図・・・(茶経の本文を書き出したものを茶の席に掛けておくように勧めている)